There are auto manufacturers that provide products to address the blow-by problem. This is usually still considered an aftermarket product and done under a different name or within the "performance" division. Vehicles owners still mismanage regular oil changes. It may not be you the reader but let's face it consumers of vehicles do have a problem remembering that vehicles need attention and maintenance. Adding another "chore" for vehicle owners is just another maintenance concern for a vehicle owner to add to the list. And to the main reason (personal opinion only), even though auto manufacturers know that there is a blow-by problem with modern engines that does not mean they want or will run out to fix it. Remember blow-by damage is done over time. It is not something that shows immediately. An auto manufacturer does not want you to purchase a vehicle and keep it for the lifetime of the car. They want you to buy more cars from them.
An Oil Catch Can not only helps with the longevity of your engine but it also helps in performance. So the question is if you spent forty thousand dollars on a vehicle how much is it worth to spend to maintain performance of that vehicle.